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Description: You made a friend your first night in your new home. She had four legs and the cutest fluffy body, and with her came the gorgeous guy down the street. After a friendship grows between you three, and the heat goes out in your home close to Christmas, he invites you to his place for warmth and hospitality… and maybe something a little more.

REQUEST: It's the middle of a freeze over and your heat just went out. Your hot neighbor hears you yelling at the landlord to get someone by and offers his place so you can be warm. You two have a cozy evening until talk about hookups comes up and he reveals he likes being overstimulated and teased by his girls. Multiple M orgasms and begging plz

VA - Mr. Gallo

This script was written by Ellie and Sassifras


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Gallo begging? sign me tf up


And the Christmas presents just keep coming 🥰🥰🥰 we are all spoiled rotten


ugh yes


Gallo BEGGING?! I can die a happy girl


Gallo and begging?! Oh, it’s a very merry Christmas!!

Lani Gooley

BKS is the gift that keeps giving 😭


Oh Daddy is here🤗💕💗💖🔥❤️‍🔥🫦


An Ellie and Sass combo!? #plz


Daddy G begging?! 🥵 🫠 holy lee chit!!


Shoot after the last post, a 1 on 1 with gallo is a treat. 🖤 wouldn’t mind another though. 🤪


I feel spoooooiled


my new Pre game hype music 💀

Skye Bravo

omg my hear just went out 😅 so this is a welcomed treat

Rachel Artemis

OH MY 🥵🥵❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥, hear Gallo begging will make a totally mess with me, gonna get back here to say if I survived

The copperhead

I survived the last audio so I’m back for more 😈😈😈😈

Madison Youngblood

Uh Mr. Gallo being a cat dad??? yes please!!

Doña Yayi

Oh sweet gawds yaaaaassss more delicious holiday treats!!!!! And from what i am reading in the comment sección 😳😳😳😳😳 Mr. Gallo likes overstimulation???? He likes to be teased??? Holy fawkin hells he likes to BEG????? Ohhhh yaaaasss i am loving this 🤌💋❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 i am so ready to get tickled and feel delicious tingles everywhere. Sisteeeerssss we are being so well fed tonight!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Cam (edited)

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2024-01-22 03:13:36 ellie my queen 🙌🏻
2023-12-27 02:22:34 ellie my queen 🙌🏻

ellie my queen 🙌🏻


GALLO BEGGING AND OVERSTIM?? god must be real oh my

Jenna (edited)

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2024-01-22 03:13:36 Right? I saw that and just know we're in for a treat 🤌
2023-12-27 02:27:37 Right? I saw that and just know we're in for a treat 🤌

Right? I saw that and just know we're in for a treat 🤌

🫧Ms.Bratzilla🫧 (edited)

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2024-01-22 03:13:36 Me seeing “Cat dad” tag. 🏃🏻‍♀️💨😍😍😍
2023-12-27 02:29:49 Me seeing “Cat dad” tag. 🏃🏻‍♀️💨😍😍😍

Me seeing “Cat dad” tag. 🏃🏻‍♀️💨😍😍😍


Rooster… cute 😌 on the other hand, overstim and begging 🥲??? Man oh man, thank you~ 😚💗


Is this heaven?! I’m looking at the “cat dad” tag and I just hope we’ll have more amazing audios like this one in this tag 🙏🏽✨


Gallo as a loving cat dad?! 🐱🥰

Kenzie Carswell

The sounds he made🥵🥵🥵


tqm gallo 🫰🏽

Jonelle Phoenix

Babbbbeeeeeeeeee. When I tell you I’ve been WAITING for an audio like this with him! This is the best post Xmas gift evar!!!!!!!! Edit: Not the grey PHUCKING SWEATSSSSSSS


A man begging is already sexy as hell, but THIS MAN begging is dangerous! "That please baby." My goodness He can have anything he wants🤤 ❤️‍🔥


we’re going to need more of gallo begging


never knew I needed this till today

Doña Yayi

Oh gawds this was so adorable, amazing , sexy and at the end so calming!!!!!! Ohhhh my heart the best part of the story besides our beloved growly bear Mr. Gallo was little miss sassy roosteeeerrrr!!!!!! Cute lil mamaaa 🥰🥰🥰 always running from our beautiful man!!!! Reminds me of my fur baby too she can be an escape artist as well lol ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Ohhhhhh hadessss havin a fist fight in a tattoo shop with his fellow olympus and MC brother gallo here in this story is a tattoo artist????? And he is inked??? And the muse likes touching his body????? OHHHHHH holy mother of sexy tatted meeeeennn!!!!! While listening to this luscious story my imagination just came alive and how i imagined this man oh jesaaaaaaaaaasssss take the wheel because i can't anymoooorreeee!!!!! In my mind this man is tall, dark, strong, sexy and handsome. He has long black beautiful hair and has it in a man bun oh gawds YAAAAAAASSSS!!!! and he has the most beautiful dark beard that I would love to run my fingers through oh my heart my weakness!!!!!! And he has the most beautiful honey colores eyes and when he looks at you with those eyes ohhhhhhh fawkin hells angels he makes your whole body feel like jell-oooooo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 and he has the most yummiest lips that you just want to BITE on uuuuffffft girl let me stop but yaaaaaassss that is how i have envisioned this sexy tatted man!!!!!! And nowwww!!!!! Oh flyin fawk oh my gawd the sexy time 😳😳😳😳😮😮😮😮😮 oh my heart startin beating so fast and my breathing was labored and i felt hot all over thisssss!!!! Ohhhh i was waiting for an audio like this !!!!! How this man let himself be worshipped by his muse!!!! How he let her have control of him!!!! Ohhh this man's begging was a sweet melody to my ears and the sexy sounds he was making that had my heart flutter so muuuuchh!!!!! And how he praises heeeerrr oh @#$%&?!☆▪︎《¡¿°shdjfbwudhdhruegjrh3usgggweyr ohhhh that just did things to me!!!! Dont get me wrong!!! I love me a strong, rough and tough Mr. Gallo but this sweet, endearing, sexy, delicious and submissive man?????? Ohhhhhhh i want this with my favorite person!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 the sexy time felt so real, so fun, so intense and the passion ohhhh wowww i just loved everything about this!!!!! And yessss the aftercare!!! I always love how sweet and loveable and cuddly our growly bear is after sexy time!!!! The kisses and cuddles and the conversations ohhh gawds i swear i swooned HAAAAAAARD for this man tonight lol. How relaxing this was at the end when they get cozy and our growly bear is feeling tired and he is ready to rest with his beloved but oh nooooo!!!!!! Someone was missing!!!!!!! Lol lil miss sassy came to claim her space between our wonderful man and his lady!!!! Lil miss rooster could not be left out!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Oh gawdsss Doña Ellie look i am still recovering from last nights audio!!!!! Because giiiiirrrrllll what you did lol that was FAN-FAWKIN-TASTIC!!!!! I have survived lol so i came prepared to listen to this fine work of art you have created along side with miss sassifras and may i say oh my gawdss this was the most incredibly amazing story everrr!!!! Geeeshhh i have a huge smile on my face that it even hurts!!!! Im all giggly and im sitting here bouncing on my bed lol this was a very awesome script 🙂❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 thank youuuu mama!!!! Don BKS ohh thank you for gifting us lovelies here with another holiday treat!!!! You are the best Don Rob 🙂❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 and ohhhhhh holy mother of the galaxies my beloved and beautiful Mr. Gallo shhhheeeeeeeshhhhh!!!!! Youuuuu sir had me smiling from ear to ear, giggling and blushing while listening to this awesome audio!!!!! From all the audios that you have made oh my heart this one just squeezed my heaaarrtttt because tonight you just let it be for us lovelies!!!!! Ohhhh it was wonderful i love it 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i give you so many sexy kisses, and lots of gentle caresses and a whole lotta ((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG ))))) beautiful and lovely man you aree!!! 💋❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂

Deanna Tyson

Gallo…..cat daddy…..yes please!🫠🫠

Shavonne Belford

Roosters back story reminds me of an account I follow on TikTok, they’re known as the coop kitties. Rooster was playing match maker. Gallo begging oof yes please! it does things to me🫠🫠


I’m gonna need so much more of this man begging. I did not know how into that I would be.


The Gallo/rooster thing is so fitting lol also… any woman who can make a guy like Gallo beg… wins at life. Sorry, I don’t make the rules 😇


This is exactly the Daddy Gallo I want … ( look at my dp 😂)


As long as Gallo is a VA I’ll 100% stay subscribed

Claudine Langlais

I thought he never wanted to play a sub. I am so happy it happened best thing ever 🥵🤪🥴. I wonder what or who made him change his mind.

MASims Studio

Random comment: I saw “Cat Dad” and immediately Cat Daddy by Rej3ctz came on in my head…. Okay bye 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️


As a more dominant leaning woman, I'm so happy you're doing more msub stuff! Most assume women just want domination and it makes it hard to find stuff where the guy is submissive. So happy you guys are trying it more often for us dom girls out here🥰


Gallo and BEGGING? Am I still dreaming?

Jenna (edited)

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2024-01-22 03:13:36 Im only 18 min in but gdi this gallo as this kind of cat dad is gonna kill me
2023-12-27 07:21:18 Im only 18 min in but gdi this gallo as this kind of cat dad is gonna kill me

Im only 18 min in but gdi this gallo as this kind of cat dad is gonna kill me

Vicky Steel

God I love when men beg, it's everything 😭


We are definitely getting spoiled this Christmas!!! Thank you so much! Though hands down, I found Rooster to be absolutely adorable!!! I also love how Gallo and Rooster practically share the same name! Such a small yet clever detail! 😙👌

Holly (edited)

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2024-01-22 03:13:36 Why is Gallo as a cat daddy so damn endearing
2023-12-27 13:07:31 Why is Gallo as a cat daddy so damn endearing

Why is Gallo as a cat daddy so damn endearing


Rooster is so cute ❤️ Any man who's into cats is immediately attractive in my books. Pair that with the fact that he's a tattoo artist AND he begs in this audio? Damn we're being spoiled this holiday season.

Emily Straub

Boy did this make my morning. Cat daddy Gallo is my new favorite thing and when he said "how else can I serve you? " oh damn! *perfection*



Doña Yayi

Good morning ladies! I hope you all are having a lovely day ❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂. Well i just finished listening to this again and oh gawds uuuuggghhh this maaaannn!!!! This man just totally melts my heart i just have no more words how to describe how i feeeeeellllll!!!!! This sexy and endearing man is everything ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

tsuki kim

We are getting closer to a full msub gallo audio… PLEASE


He is not comfortable with that, this is probably the closest we can get for right now. We don't want to push his boundaries <3

Ana D. (edited)

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2024-01-22 03:13:36 Hummmmm, a Gallo MSub audio...yes, please 😉
2023-12-27 17:01:07 Hummmmm, a Gallo MSub audio...yes, please 😉

Hummmmm, a Gallo MSub audio...yes, please 😉

tsuki kim

Oh sorry I didnt know!! But this is already so goood 🥹🫶❤️ we really getting spoiled this holidays 🥰


New Mr. Gallo audio. *Drops phone * Subby Gallo makes his presence felt. 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 What a way to end the year. 🫠🫠🫠


Whatever he wants to give, we will accept with open arms. He could read us a Dr. Seuss book and I will cancel all my plans. 😊

✨IamRuination (edited)

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2024-01-22 03:13:36 I felt every second that he's not use to be begging for something😂 And i'm totally fine with that! Leave Robinson the sub roles... He is the perfect man for it✨🖤✨
2023-12-27 22:25:18 I felt every second that he's not use to be begging for something😂 And i'm totally fine with that! Leave Robinson the sub roles... He is the perfect man for it✨🖤✨

I felt every second that he's not use to be begging for something😂 And i'm totally fine with that! Leave Robinson the sub roles... He is the perfect man for it✨🖤✨


Please the cat noises are so cute 🥹🥹🥹


Oh boy, the multiple facets of Gallo. As with every other side, I adore this one too. Every time I hear him get excited about cooking or wanting to cook, dance, and be silly with someone in the kitchen makes me giddy. Big desire to have that in my life. One of my favorite things to do. And let me not forget sensory stimulation. Absolutely love.


She wore his ass out😂😂 From what I understand, we are being really well fed this season and I’m here for it! Gallows’s growl gets me every time even when he’s begging.. that timbre drop 🫠🫠 I heard him say he’s def not a sub, so to me this was toeing the line but Im DEFINITELY not complaining. Ellie and Sassafras yall are BOTH evil little masterminds and I LOVE IT. Mr Gallo… (in my thickest NYC accent) youalreadyknow. Thank you!

Chamia Parks (edited)

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2024-01-22 03:13:36 omgg the dad cat thing was so cute i adored it alot. the purring was so satisfyingggg
2023-12-28 05:00:56 omgg the dad cat thing was so cute i adored it alot. the purring was so satisfyingggg

omgg the dad cat thing was so cute i adored it alot. the purring was so satisfyingggg

MJ Anderson

Rooster really said "come on we both need a mommy I'm gonna go find her"

Kat lopez

Merry Christmas to us. Having Daddy Gallo be a cat daddy and on top of that a more submissive role… fucking love. Great script Ellie and Sass!


Roster the cat to the rescue

Miss Bee

Love this. A cute holiday story. So hot that Daddy Gallo liked being used for her pleasure 🥰


I’m a Gallo girl 😵‍💫😵‍💫 his lil moans are so sweet 😩 ugh


Called it - knew Gallo was a cat man


"You're not for the streets, Priscilla!"


Its super weird seeing this side of Gallo but I definitely enjoyed it! And I love that he was a cat dad hehe! Much love 💜

Nyyn Buub

This one was really interesting. I'm not used to cat daddy's and msubs, especially coming from a voice like Gallo's, but I kept an open mind and gave it time to marinate. I'm personally not a fan of listener's being too pushy, but over all I think the audio it was pretty sweet like drinking hot chocolate by an open fire. It's always fun to hear Gallo experimenting with different roles and the vulnerability in this one was nice.


OMG! Gallo's voice BEGGING and WHIMPERING?! "More, please? Don't stop..." Oh my Gawd! I'm in love! 🔥🔥🔥

Breezy Belle

Thank you for the absolutely stunning audio!! ✨💗🔥❤️‍🔥🫦


How can I enter the dark room


小猫撮合人类 猫好! 世界离了小猫还能转?硬撑罢了!


Perfect example of why I love BKS soooo much! ❤


I am tooooo, like it’s something about it omg


I've never wanted to be a cat more in my life😘😘😘

No more kill my vibe^^ (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 09:18:50 I Miss Mr.gallo so muchhhhh and love this audio!!!!
2024-01-10 05:09:27 I Miss Mr.gallo so muchhhhh and love this audio!!!!

I Miss Mr.gallo so muchhhhh and love this audio!!!!

Nala Sky'

I have no words. 💜


His voice has me melting!!! Another VA I would just love to give a hug to in appreciation!!


Do I like being a good girl? Absolutely. But did I also like this?? Yes I most certainly do. Once more Mr. Gallo just does something for me. Most def a new fav audio


OMG ! Ellie, Mr. Gallo and Sassifras, YA'LL !!!! It took me 2 days to find this audio and I'm in LOVE 😍. As the owner of a 18 pound Maine Coon cat, this hit home for me.🫠🙃🥰 I got caught laughing out loud to an empty room listening to this and I didn't even get to the sexy parts yet. 🤣😅 I'd give up body parts for a Rooster 🐱 to pick me to be her cat mama to this kind of cat daddy! 🐈 🐈‍⬛ If I'm a good girl ( or not so good girl 😈) can we get a part 2 for this as a Christmas in July present???? Please PLEASE PLEASE 🙏🏿 😢 😔???




why is no one talking about the fucking CALENDER?!?!?! THIS CHARACTER made *outfits* he set scenes for this, 11 different months of cat pics. i need to know more does he sew the outfits?!? im so fucking invested. im open to new things so this was fun to try but honestly i kept being like oh but no i dont think i like that(good to confirm i like being a sub at least in this space)....like the sweet cat dad would hit so much harder if it was juxtaposed with an absolute dom in bed. great work as always to everyone


One of my first thoughts is “oh no they’re going at it in front of poor Rooster!!” Then I’m like “oh well, look away Rooster this is not safe for children’s eyes”

Becky Sparkman

That voice saying "please" just does something to me....shivers..

isabella C

Oh. My. Goodness...


Gallo being a cat Dad is amazing!!! And aaaahhhh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Of course Gallo would be a cat daddy. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️



Sanna Lähdetsalo

Damn 🫠 I love this kind of Mr. Gallo 🥰❤️‍🔥😍

Tifa Lockhart

This man has RANGE!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Tifa Lockhart

And he begs so sweetly 🥹

Tifa Lockhart

He makes you wanna wring 'em all out of him 😈 *rubs hands like Birdman*


Ugh.. just ugh 😍🔥🫶🏽

Lala Lili

The cat purr is so cute ughhhh😭😭😭😭❤️


I can't believe I haven't dipped into the Christmas Audios yet

Shay Marshall

It’s always hard to find really good msub, but Gallo’s is perfect! His begging, moaning and the way he says baby? It just solidified that I love this type of power and when a man is secure enough to be appreciative of it. Gallo girl forever!


Okay I’m a sucker for Hard MDom Gallo but this softer side of him is so good! Or maybe just anything he does is good 🙈


My favorite Gallo quote used to be “breath, baby, breath” but “please, baby, please” might have just taken first place 🏆

Desanera Starling

Dear Santa - I want a hot tattoo artist cat dad with a warm house please. I haven't killed anyone this year which should be considered nice lol


Gallo being a cat daddy and begging is almost enough for me to lose my mind hehe. I love spending time with him hehe. Here we go: 1. Calling the cat 'Rooster' was just genius lol! 2. 2 mins - The SFX of the cat purring is just perfect! 3. 2:10 mins - See? Cats love me hehe. 4. 2:50 mins - Gallo being so adorable with Rooster is making my ovaries burst hehe! 5. 4:30 mins - I can't just let her go hungry hehe. She is far too cute to ignore hehe 6. 5:15 mins - Seriously the cat interactions are just perfectly cute! 7. 6:20 mins - Its actually hot when Gallo slightly brags about his cooking skills hehe 8. Love the flirting over food hehe 9. 10 - 11:30 mins - Gallo as a big brother is so cute hehe 10. 13 mins - One guess where Rooster is hehe! 11. 15:30 mins - Love a cuddly cat! 12. 16:25 mins - Well now I have to see these calendars hehe! 13. 16:50 mins - Completely forgot that he was a tattoo artist! Why is that just so goddamn sexy?! 14. 18:30 mins - I need this calendar at BKS merch please! 15. 20:15 mins - I feel really lucky that I get to see it then. 16. 21:15 mins - His tattoos give me the perfect excuse to touch him hehe. 17. 22:15 mins - Fuck it! I wanna kiss him now! And let the spiciness ensue! 18. 23:30 mins - Having control of Gallo is quite heady hehe! 19. 24:55 mins - Hearing Gallo say 'please' does something to me! 20. 27:25 mins - I am literally the human equivalent of a cat... playing with my food hehe! 21. 32ish mins - Listener Orgasm 1! Him literally begging for me to orgasm is so hot! 22. 33:55 mins - The way he said 'my baby' is just so deliciously possessive! 23. 35 mins - The fact he was willing to drive to the store is just brilliant! Ellie consistently mentions protection more than any other writer! 24. 40:05ish mins - Gallo Orgasm 1! 25. 41:25 mins - How many condom did I have in my bag hehe?! 26. 44:45ish mins - Gallo Orgasm 2! 27. Time for some sweet Gallo cuddles! 28. 49:20 mins - I don't think I could handle Gallo giving me a tattoo hehe... I wouldn't sit in the chair long enough hehe. 29. 50 mins - Oh I absolutely want to stay! And maybe use the rest of the condoms hehe 30. Gallo and cat cuddles?! Oh yes please! There is nothing not to love in this audio! Having Gallo beg is so bloody hot, and I just love the calmness and slow burn of the whole thing. Rooster is just the perfect wing-cat hehe. I doubt we will ever have a full MSub Gallo, so this definitely does the trick! Amazing collab between Ellie and Sassifras, amazing execution by Gallo and amazing editing by the rest of the BKS team! Much love 💜

Khelisie Salvatore

Wow Gallo as a subby, now I've heard everything. Didn't think he had it in him.

M. L.

Can I just say, I live for your reviews. Thank you!


You have no idea how much I needed to hear this today. Thankyou sweetie. I'm glad you love them so much! 114 review done so far and counting hehe.


This was so good! Loved Gallo as a cat dad! Naming the cat rooster!! My little bilingual heart loves the reference. SFX sounds were incredible. Sounds just like my cat! Not to mention....hubby Gallo?! I'm impressed.

Chaotic Dream

I need more of subby daddy Gallo 🫠 omg