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Hey, a quick update on things happening in October

AI stuff
As most have noticed, a lot of experimentation went into playing with all the new fancy AI stuff, exploring what it can do and what impact such tools might have.

So far I like it for at least producing some cool concepts for characters, that could perhaps one day become a mmd model edits, or maybe just some funky art ideas/lewd/cute/cool images

If curious, feel free to poke around the test outputs i put in the AI Waifu folder 

Got lucky and managed to get an awesome GPU upgrade this week, from 980 to 4090, which is going to rock for making good looking stuff! 

Card looking pretty bad ass!

This upgrade is thanks to you btw, for supporting me<3<3

Besides the short Toilet Fun edit, I want to first finish up a video with Black Heart - it's a unique camera motion i wanted to finish, which will first be available for creator tier and then public. The camera & video been near complete for a while before I got distracted by waifus x) It won't be a long video

I know we want to see longer MMD videos soon, this month has been a bit fragmented and the next longer video with Bismarck takes longer to finish, getting pushed due to:

This month there is also Halloween, and I will try come up with something for that, perhaps some form of Succubus action I think 💋💕

That's it for now, I'd really love a good production streak soon to finish up many of the work in progress videos, just a lot of things happening this month :)

Glad to see the engagement lately on discord too <3

Take care, have fun, 



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