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Laney is out to dinner with her boyfriend at a busy restaurant. The waitress (Lucy) arrives to take their order and Laney uses her magic powers to vanish Lucy’s clothing one by one from her body, leaving her eventually naked (implied) in a restaurant full of people, completely humiliated!

(If the link above doesn't work - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wx850iw0ml5x6qq0j8hmc/NakedWaitressHD.mp4?rlkey=868mv2a60ecn234bye4t6rq2w&dl=0)



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Some girls do nudity some don't - some patrons prefer the implied version (as was in this one) - I hope we have something for everyone here!


The title / description should probably include implied or hidden nudity then ....... just a suggestion as its easy ti be disappointed or click bated here lol


The VIP tier is a mix of every ENF/WAM video we have from our sister site. They were filmed (mostly) many years ago. The $10 tier is all original content that we film based upon all of the patrons here, and their ideas and suggestions. The $25 tier is completely optional if you want to see all of the extra content that has been filmed throughout the years.

CK Lam

This tier usually released classic contents. So it is a bit surprised to see this more recent work. I think both classic and recent contents are worth watching. I mainly watched videos of other genre from the sister site(SS). And this tier let me know more about ENF and WAM concept. This makes me respect the team more as this kind of content needs tons of effort to execute. Both classic and more recent content released is a good direction. Looking forward to the future contents.


Are there any other Enf videos similar to this one? It’s easily my favorite