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Hey everyone,

We hope you all have been enjoying your holiday's! We're back to shooting this week and we're so excited to have so many hot babes joining us. We'll have Athena, Nikki, and Ryan here for one day and Peyton, Lora, and Rachel for another, it's going to be a full house! Plus, one very awesome customer here bought us dissolvable bathing suits to use so we will be testing those out this week! We have so many fun ideas to do that we've been receiving from all of you so make sure you stick around to see those releases coming soon. 

Thanks so much!

XOXO Laney (:


GirlsWillBeGirlsClub Weekly Update

Hey everyone! We're back to work this week and we have some of the hottest babes joining us! See Athena Palmino, Ryan Rose, Nikki, Peyton, Lora Cross, and Rachel all coming to the club this week. We had an awesome customer buy us some dissolvable bathing suits we get to test out, so be on the lookout for those future releases. Thank you everyone for following along, XOXO Laney (: https://www.patreon.com/girlswillbegirlsclub



Sounds amazing. Thanks to that guy! Laney, will you be trying on a dissolving suit as well!?

ENF fanboy

You're welcome sir!