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Hey everyone,

Later this week we will be releasing Wheel of Dares featuring Lora, Sushii, and Carter! The girls had a blast doing all the different dare ideas you all have been sending in. Continue leaving me comments with future ideas or dares you'd like to see.

XOXO Laney (:


GirlsWillBeGirlsClub Weekly Update

Hey everyone, You can look forward to this week's release with Lora Cross, Sushii, and Carter! The girls had a blast doing the dare wheel with all of your ideas. So many embarrassing things such as topless jumping jacks, getting pantsed while doing push-ups, and playing floor is lava with a twist. You won't want to miss out on seeing this, coming to Patreon Friday! https://www.patreon.com/girlswillbegirlsclub


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