MAKER´S RULES: Welcome to B3DSERK!!!! (Patreon)
Welcome to B3DSERK! The Sickest Comic's Superheroes Collection out there!!!! We can be new, but we have a clear objective in mind: Giving you the best quality possible in each term until we complete ALL the Superheroes out there (well at least the coolest ones)!!!!! Now! let's explain what's the deal about:
WHAT PATRONS GET: You will get Superheroes characters in STL format tested and ready for printing.
TERMS: Each term is composed by TWO Scultures & TWO Busts. Normally we will have one famous and one rare character!!!
THEME: All of our characters are going to be Superheroes and Villains, and we are going to stick to that. There's so many epic characters out there, and we want to make them all!!!!!!
PAYMENT: Monthly. We charge you upfront, as soon you join our Patreon. Then you will receive our Welcome Box, which will be updated time to time with new pieces. Also, you will receive the Month's term that you can see in the About of the patreon!
DELIVERY: We are going to give you guys the STL in the last days of the month. Why? We like to tweak the files and make test before you receive the files, so you get the quality you deserve.
PRE-SUPPORTED FILES: Along with the un - supported STLs, we will be releasing the pre - supported models at 50% and 100% with each term! You will get them in STL and chitubox, in case you wanna make any modifications to it!
GOALS: Soon! we are working on them.
MORE INFORMATION: Sure, shoot any question you have, we are always open.
Alright Makers! Let the printing begin! Thanks for joining us in this epic adventure, and we will share the glory! We will update this post time to time, so keep an eye on it.
For now, thanks for joining the workshop, and welcome to B3DSERK!