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Hola my dudes!
Friday its the best time to receive new and shiny models!

Its time to put these printers into glorious use and make them roar! Your December term is waiting for you in the patreon inbox, and its looking amazing!!! Take a look, and join us in the facebook group and discord to check the images. Its just a preview on how awesome these are going to look in your collections!!!

IMPORTANT: Remember that TOMORROW (Dec 31th) you’re going to be billed by our patreon, and for that payment you’re gonna receive the January term by the end of the month, along with all the other surprises we have for you in B3DSERK, amigos!

And another year goes by! Man, time flies when you’re having so much fun like we do in B3DSERK! And dudes, you make this patreon feel like home. Muchas gracias for a year full of mucho love, of wonderful times and kick ass models. Our art by itself doesn’t exist: You give it a place in the world, you make it shine brighter and stronger with your care, support and love that we have the privilege to enjoy each term. And dudes, we know that we say this a lot, but we are putting everything we have in the soul for a kick ass 2023. This is going to be a Wicked year, we can feel it in our heart, and we promise you that we will go further, reach higher to see that smile of you each term.

So muchas gracias for letting us dream, for supporting our art, for all the patience you have with us, for forgiving our mistakes and for walking this legendary and wicked path with us. You’re the best family we could ask for, and in this 2023 is time to cash out all the happiness you deserve!!!

Our heart will be forever yours, and again and million times more: Muchas gracias. Here, here for a Wicked 2023, and for the best models that our love together can create!!!

Shine on, drop kick the sadness and dream hard! We are all Wicked in the heart!~