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Some things have changed...like my levels of courage.

Remake of another unpublished audio from baaack in the day that had horror elements. Now you just get confessions and wheezy dogs.

If you have thoughts but love anonymity: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeL17IMM0LnTlLd23VnOl-EXVlyJYuodg2Hfv8L3biOeoIWHw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628
Any feedback is appreciated!




Hell’s bells! This was so good! I’m curious what the original horror-y audio was like. On a totally unrelated note, one of the little folk wants me to ask if you’ve read the Dresden files! :p pro tip, the chips are good but they reaaally like pizza!


This audio right here, I knew there was an extended or sequel to what was on YouTube but damn. The reason you got me as a subscriber, thank you so much!