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Hello, everyone! Apologies for the wait, I've had computer troubles and family issues that have really slowed me down and set me back by a couple weeks. It's left me fried, so I'm glad this was the 3 audio month haHA

You'll be getting the remaining 1-2 new audios by Sunday, and the AMA by Mon if it rips my ass out (this isn't to make y'all sound demanding, you're lovely, I gotta do it for my own good)
Here's the link if you have any AMA questions: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJq9eisz1j5CA-c3B-wjxLxKM9SV4OmKi049oj8wE2r6_Kpg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Hope y'all are having a good month so far, and be very conscious regarding breakthrough covid cases!!!


Mike Taylor

I'm still hunting for a job. I got turned down yet again today. It's frustrating, especially with the federal aid package coming to an end.

Mike Taylor

I just sent off an email to another place that wanted to interview me.