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Just been throwing up
I'm sorry, I know that's not sexy but I ought to tell you what's going down with the work.
I'm still trying, but in the likelihood that I don't manage to finish this audio tonight, it and the other will be posted tomorrow. For those wishing to unsubscribe, same link (https://soundgasm.net/u/gingerbreadpigge) will work for both this month's missing audios when they are posted.
Apologies, this month has been very wishy washy in terms of content and communication.

Good news is, it's definitely a virus and not the leftovers I've been worried about because my roommate and neighbor have it too~



What a rough month for you, sucks ass. Hope you feel better soon, pigge


Hey hey hey! I would advise you to relax a tad more! I don't have any insights on how this sickness affected you income or whatever, but when you're sick, you're sick. It's nice of you to clarify the situation, I doubt that's a reason for people to unsubscribe immediately though. Get all that shizzle out of your system, get well soon!


I want everyone to get what they're paying for, but I'll be sure to be a bit lighter on myself if I'm feeling like shit <3 Thanks so much for the kind words~