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How do you like your medicine?

Cheesy Wheezy Chicken Squeezey

I went a bit overboard on the sap in this one because who doesn't appreciate some extra love when they're battling the plague?
It was a challenge to keep it sweet and relaxing, but I could've had the listener ramming their life alert after a slip n slide style accident and didn't, so we're gonna take that as a success. Looking back, I would've added some sterner elements but if I rerecord this one more time it'll end with my spontaneous combustion

This is actually the audio I fucked my yeti up recording because I guess I'm just too good for free use shower sounds

Regale me with tales of luxury baths: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeL17IMM0LnTlLd23VnOl-EXVlyJYuodg2Hfv8L3biOeoIWHw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628

Just take this fuckin thing



Aaron Araujo

As someone who is going through COVID right now this hits different 🥺

Aaron Araujo

Also your SFW audios have been helping me get much needed rest especially “Cuddle Me In” 😮‍💨🙌🏼

Billy Denton

This was really sweet! I liked it a lot.