Wellness Retreat 2.0 (Patreon)
Here's the SFW version of Wellness Retreat. I've gotten requests to add some of my YT audios to Patreon, and while I don't want to clog up the catalogue, especially with older posts, this one seems like it'll be a good fit
The atmosphere is definitely different in this ver. so I'm curious to know which one you prefer! Oh my gosh, lookit, you can do that right here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeL17IMM0LnTlLd23VnOl-EXVlyJYuodg2Hfv8L3biOeoIWHw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628
Songs (in order):
Bathtub of a Monk- Mee
Overview Effect- Hans
Johnson Aeonian- Marco Martini
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled- Sean Williams
Music was taken from subscription based site and so may not be publicly available