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fun fact: write of aot confirmed historia and ymir are a thing. also historia’s theme “Zero Eclipse”(played in s3), tells historia’s story from ymir’s perspective. i think it’s really cute they did that, it’s like a love song from ymir to her :D


also you missed the moment when Ymir said she’s been wandering as a titan for 60 years before she met reiner and the others and turned back human.

Zarayut Ziri

so excite to watch next 2 eposides along with you, I really hope is today or tomorrow you upload <3

Vebjørn Larsen

"christa this christa that" xD


you may want to rewatch this, you missed a few important things. The biggest one was when ymir told bertold she was was a titan ouside the wall for 60 YEARS


yesss, i caught up to it later! :D thanks for telling me... was a bit confused


Next episode is a banger. Wait until you get to season 3 if you think this is good. And Season 4 is going to blow your mind away. It only gets better with each season to be honest.