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Zarayut Ziri

titan's appear in surprise scene is the one of my fav scene along with that soundtrack I very love it. in previous ss2 intro have a lot of thing but in actual show not much and not the same as intro, in current ss3 part2 - Intro have a lot to but I think not direct spoil... only direct spoils intro is ss4 part2 in my opinion. if you need to avoid. but I think ending song not spoils in direct or not-spoils at all if you not the theory master. haha and please reaction ending song too ! its to beautiful song.


You are about to view pinnacle of peak anime episodes. There is no turning back...You must go forward.

Bruno Kendy

OMG! Thank you for all this episodes in a row 🤩😊🥹🫶🏻


Yea and toji from jjk his VA is the beast titan


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