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Doodle Dan

I guess you could say that their treachery is so bad it’s blinding

Zarayut Ziri

You are a person with a good heart. and you hate them it's understandable. keep fighting!


Prior to this episode it wasn't shown how Marco died because it all happened off screen. Now you know the full story behind his death. Also Bert's transformation is part of his special power. It's basically like a nuclear bomb going off. P.S. Wearing makeup and watching AoT doesn't work out well. I've seen to many female reactors just destroy their makeup, especially eyeliner, reacting to AoT. Lastly, dark liquid is .....coffee. LOL


I think it’s cute AF when you say ‘Daijobu’ but you should say ‘Daijobu Desu Ka?’ Like ‘Are you alright ?’ Because when you say the former it means that you, personally, are ok 😊


I really liked marco man his death was so messed up


Marco 💔😢


Marcos cause of death is heartwrenching. The fact it happened so long ago and we finally know how he died and it was like this is so messed up😭


IKNOW!! like this is trauma i didnt need, it broke me...and i feel so sadden by it :(