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Time to check out The Whale released in 2022.


In a town in Idaho, Charlie, a reclusive and unhealthy English teacher, hides out in his flat and eats his way to death. He is desperate to reconnect with his teenage daughter for a last chance at redemption.


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Brendan fraser won the Oscar for this movie so well deserved. His performance was outstanding and what a comeback. First big movie in a while and receives an Oscar for it

Alvin Davis

I'm back, currently on your patreon bro!~ I'm so glad you checked out The Whale!~ I just started watching this video, and in the opening you mentioned about currently having a couple of Brendan Fraser movies on your list to react to in the near future, and I just thought I'd hop in the comments here and suggest a Brendan Fraser movie for you to add to your list, if you don't mind. "Bedazzled" released in 2000, to me is Brendan during his prime for sure, it came out around the same time he starred in the first "The Mummy" movie or soon after, and that became a megahit for him, and so a few other movies he was doing around that time he was doing The Mummy movies got overshadowed, including Bedazzled, which I just think is one of the funniest and best movies he had ever done, it's just a shame it's pretty underrated like it is.

Mathilde Thorn

I like to experience movie with you (even when I've seen them before haha). But I have not seen The Whale before, so this is my first time watching :)