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I interrupt you're regularly scheduled post to talk about fitness! As most of you know, being fit is part of my cosplay. I use my body to give my costume a look that is typically associated with super hero. But what I think a lot of people don't know is how I challenge myself and my body depending on the costume.

For example, when I was first dressing up as Nightwing, I spent a lot of time and energy gaining weight and training my legs. When I was punk robin, I tried to gain arm mass because those where want would be visible. When I wear spandex I typically try and gain 10lbs so that I fill the suit out better and give the illusion of being broad and buff. When I am doing a model shoot, I typical focus on losing weight and getting defined which, to be honest isn't always in super healthy ways.

The reason I wanted to post this was because I've been getting a lot of question about the weird foods that I have been posting on IG and why I am eating them. Well, the answer is that Shaun and I just shot superboy which I gained 8lbs to shoot and less than two weeks later we had a boudoir shoot. That meant I not only had to lose the 8lbs I gained, but also the extra 5-7 I try and lose for a typical shoot.

It was a whirlwind but I think it all worked out! Anyway I'm rambling. I just want to answer those questions and let you in on that part of my life!



Ben Haysom

Love hearing about your life!

Nuno Cantão

Food?! On IG? Where is this Instagram we’re talking about??? 😂

Scott ala Future

tee hee heee 'junk'. Ok I'm an adult now.

Jarrod Rossi

Wanna be my personal trainer?

Kevin Beale

Thank you for this insight into your rigorous dedication to your craft. You are a constant inspiration in both Cosplay and fitness!

Dan Jeffrey

not sure I understand, maybe if you where shirtless Id get a better idea?


Arm porn hehehe So does that mean your Gym membership is tax deductible?