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I figured since I'm in the heart of sending prints, I should take some time just to "hang" out! This will be the next album coming out put its waaaayyyy too much so it will only be post for the batcave.




So hot

Renato Zebadua

You look so young there =) and cant wait for the album!


Hmmm, if I sell my roommates, I might be able to go Batman for just one month. I wonder if they would let me sell them. I mean, it's for a good cause, right? Lol


Honestly can you stop giving me feelings

James C

Am I the only one fascinated by the muscular structure you can kinda see around his abs? Not like "Omg abs".. more like "I can kinda see the sinew and fibers, how they were laid out as he worked out". Could be my neuromuscular therapy background but I thought it looked neat. Awesome photo none the less! :)