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Alana Dacosta

It’s ICE to see such a COOL person!


Lemme get a piece of that ice


Cool ice, Man


I heard you like cake... lemme be your ICEing

Renato Zebadua

I’m impressed of always seeing COOL pictures of you


Your one cool dude

David Pasteelnick

The Iceman Cometh. And by "cometh" I mean "ejaculates."

James C

I hear there was a hiring freeze at the ice-skating rink because of you. :(

Jesse Kidd

Icy what you’re doing with this question.

Cyrus Solhkhah

Nothing like an ice cold Hamm’s.

Cyrus Solhkhah

There’s a pic that goes with but I’m not able to post it so I’ll send it in a message

Marshall Snoddy

At FROST glance the ICY stare seems harsh but with a 2nd look we can tell Michael is Super CHILL

Jose Diaz

ICE to see you

Daniel Natt

This is hot (did I do it right?)

Timothy Kreuter

I’d be happy to help thaw out a frozen Hamm.

Seth Nemerow

I'm surprised no one has made a 'cold shoulder's pun yet.

Brett Wyatt

Bros before froze


was gonna say 'I'm not giving you the cold shoulder'.. until I saw above comment.. 😕


These are awful and I’m loving it

J'tin Noel

What's Batman's favorite drink? JUST-ICE

Zach Ellsworth

Alright everyone, chill out with these puns!

Ben Haysom

Loving the cool puns!

Tim Seastedt

Iceman justice is a dish best served cold.