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Would you folks be interested in fitness stuff or should I stick to the cosplay/model stuff?




All the above


Fitness is always helpful

Paul Doerr

Fitness please!

Seth Nemerow

I'm sure most would be happy with anything you'd be willing to show us.

Zacary Holcomb

I'm happy with whatever you wanna show

Jesse Kidd

¿Porque no los dos?

AJ Mattia

60 cosplay 40 fitness 🙄🤠🤡😈

James C

Fucking yes! YES!!! I'd even support a separate Patreon if it's easier for you to distinguish them. I'm so down for some HammFitness

Renato Zebadua

Fitness sounds good, cosplay sounds good! Both! We take both!

Cyrus Solhkhah

Interested in all things Hamm related

Joseph Petersen

A little fitness. It's overdone all over the social media. Stick with your strengths.

Jose Diaz

would not mind both

TJ Kahn

Might be fun to do a whole fitness-getting-ready-to-fit-into-a-costume segment, eh?

Reece Sparks

I love fitness, so I'd be down.

Elix Risqué

Honestly, you could post literally anything and I would love it lol

Matt Gibson

We'll take as much Hamm as you can give us

Chris Daniel

You as a quasi personal trainer would be amazing!

Phil Robert

Man I though I'd be the only one interested in fitness Hamm haha =p like the others I'll take what your willing to give =D

Adam Livingston

I prefer you to stick with modeling/cosplay so you aren't like anybody else, but whatever the masses want I guess

Pedro Laranjeira

Fitness focus sounds great, even if you need a separate account for that to keep things clear.


I’m up for some


Maybe some dietary advice lol 😅

ken knight

fitness stuff would be really cool in addition to cosplay! we like all aspects of you!


I'm good with all the hamm I can get!! More hamm please!!!

Scott ala Future

Pretty sure everyone here will take whatever your willing to share. Motivational fitness stuff is always great


Yeah fitness is good

Viktor H

Let us be your gym buddies!

Darcy Bulnes

I’d love some fitness thrown in with the mix. You have a wonderful physique, would love to know a bit of what you do to keep it up

Ben Haysom

Both please!

Ben White

would love some fitness stuff/tips

Ben M

Yes please, both

Kayla Ruby

Fitness stuff too please!


fitness also, definitely

Nuno Cantão

I vote for all types of content ❤️

Tim Seastedt

I would love hearing about your routines and any advice you want to share, Michael!


Well I guess that’s an over whelming yes!

David Steriti

I think that would be a good idea. Some fitness stuff is a good idea since it seems to be a big part of you


Would definitely be interested in upper body routines!