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Hey everyone! 

I’m currently heading back from colossal con and even though I am the most tiredness I have been in a long time, I feel amazing. This con was incrediblly fun and I wouldn't have been there with out all of you. You all support me and my art in ways I never thought possible and beciase of you, not only was I able to go to the convention, I was able to put together 2.5 costumes (on top the the four i was going to start) in less than a week because I could afford the materials and I had the time. just Thinking about this is blowing my mind and I can’t thank you all enough.  Holy shit you guys rock my world. I can’t wait to start making this even bigger and better. Thank you all!!!




AJ Mattia

Hugs babes....

Renato Zebadua

Always here for you mike =]

Cyrus Solhkhah

By ‘bigger and better’ I hope you mean ‘smaller, tighter, and more crop tops.’ Maybe it’s lost in translation from Canadian to American.

Russell Davies

You're the best. So glad you had a good time x

James C

😁🙌🏻 Yay!! Congrats to a successful con! Loved the new cosplays and happy to contribute. It's why I'm here 🤗

Jose Diaz

Happy for you! It's why we support you buddy! ❤

Robert ahlman

Awe that’s awesome. I’m glad you are able to do things that make you happy.