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Oh boy, this one was off to a roughhhhh start. I woke up really late because I didn’t get any sleep the night before. Literally zero hours of sleep in 42 hours. After waking up later than planned I went to the gym for a bit and then decided to get ready for the con. That also took forever in my dazed state but I was eventually ready to go. It should also be noted that it’s like 90 degrees in Atlanta right now so after just about 6 mins of walking to the con in costume I was soaked in sweat and very uncomfortable. I missed my photo shoot, I couldn’t cool down even in air conditioning my mask wouldn’t stick to my face because I was so sweaty and I pretty much got zero picture and did nothing. I’d honestly call it a waste of a day if it wasn’t for the fact that i got to see a few wonderful people from patreon! Literally my whole day was shit and then I ran into/planed into some really great people and that flipped my mood completely. All that said, this is a picture of me after I had given up in the day and taken off 90% of my costume but thought “ugh, I need at least one picture”. I think it’s nice though lol. May have to got back to this good lighting spot today!



Cyrus Solhkhah

V V V good lighting but you’d look great in bad lighting or no lighting

Nick Brown

I'm so sorry your first day was shit, but so glad to at least finished the day on a high note...so I guess it wasn't ALL bad. We love you and would do anything to lift your spirits. I wish I was there so I could have given you a hug. I hope today goes much better. Oh...and btw...you're still the hottest Nightwing ever...and IT IS a really good picture.

Renato Zebadua

Oh boy... all in all you managed to have fun at least

Niko Lopez

You look great without the mask. No matter what kind of matter what kind of lighting is there. You still look convey Nightwing regardless. It’s great that you at least saw some great friends.


This is one of my favorite cosplays of yours Mike 😍


Man it’s blazing hot over here too in Puerto Rico can walk for less than 5 minutes without looking like I cane out of a pool 😂 hope u can enjoy the rest of the days and get a good nights sleep 💤

Kelly D.

You look great, regardless.

Erik Champney

I’m Team No Mask on this one.

David Pasteelnick

Well, you're still sexy as f#ck in this shot, so there's that. Get some sleep and rock it tomorrow.

Jose Diaz

Sorry to hear that your first day was crappy. Even with all the negatives your Nightwing still looks amazing. And the no mask version is sexy, just saying :3

Matt Gibson

'Planned into' 😂 You evil genius, that's brilliant!

David Steriti

Sorry for the sucky day Hammy but the pic looks amazing!


This costume is amazing!!


Man, you really are a head-turner, aren't you.

Gavin Lowe

I'd that's a bad picture of you... I wanna meet the photographer and have him take all of my pictures forever

Gavin Lowe

Also costume is freakin' amazing

Rex Davison

Amazing suit. Looks great!