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May’s Prints JUST came and only (2 weeks late) so I wanted to celebrate by sharing one of my favourite shots from the best boy series! Beast boys power is to transform into any animal he can think of. That’s a pretty hard power to translate in a photo so for our series Shaun and I decided the wanted to make it a bit closer to the idea of channeling an animals esseance of the pose he hits right before he transforms. I wasn’t sure how we would do this so when Shaun sent me this shot i was blown away! Because of that, this will be this months 8x10 print!!!



T.J. Finch

It looks amazing!!!

Dustin Turner

Can’t wait to receive them! 🤣

Kurt Steeves

This may be the best one yet!

Mark Redgrave


David Pasteelnick

Oooooh! I admit I'd been a bit lukewarm on previous Beast Boy shots but this one I looooooove!!!