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Whoops, looks like iceman had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction and accidentally let a nip slip.

Yes... accidental.



Matthew Davis

Your face says “Sup, pup.” Your body and leather were meant for each other. And I’m not even a leather guy. You could change that.


Peek a bear 😜

Michael Mendez

I guess that zipper has a mind of its own 😏😏😏😏

Paul Arias

Damn those wardrobe malfunctions!


Your chest is awesome 😎 - oh so is the outfit!

PJ Carambia

Ok, this is going to sound weird, but your left pec is my favorite. Your whole chest is amazing of course, but there's something about that side. Idk I'm weird and you're sexy and I'll just leave it at that.

Kent Babb

If I were in this situation, I think my nipple would be a little harder than that. :) Of course, that doesn't stop me from drooling over this picture.

Scott ala Future

Nipple problems are probably pretty common around Bobby. It's like his secondary mutation.

Ryan D

Hot! Which is weird for someone who's so chill.


he must've been feeling a bit nippy


We hope it keeps malfunctioning...

PJ Carambia

You have an asymmetricalness (I think I made that word up) to your chest that is just beautiful.