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Sorry that I haven't been posting much due to being sick with Covid-19. I'm recovering and experienced far worse things. Anyway, just trying to get get back into the swing of things and try to gain more Patrons.

Here's the latest preview for Chapter 3 of RSAHNP. Kim is certainly perturbed, Adrena Lynn is annoyed, Shego is amused, and Ron's got his face smothered in a pair of bountiful breasts! It didn't take long for things to get interesting, did it?

Thank all of you for the continued support! It means the world to me!




Sorry on you having covid and I wish you the best of luck on your recovery. Enjoy the rough sketch page here and laughed a little on seeing the "Blah Blah"s all over. Can probably imagine Shego just having it filtered that way at one point whenever she hears Kim speak.


Hope you have a speedy recovery