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🇺🇸 Happy Independence Day and Happy 4th of July to all of us Americans!!! 🇺🇸 

I hope all of you have a great day and an equally magnificent summer!

I'll be posting Chapter 16 of RSAHNP in the near future, so be on the lookout for it and more writing pieces from me in the near!

Remember to support your writer and artist team equally. I hope those who are Patrons of my artist will also become Patrons of mine because every bit helps the ongoing RSAHNP comic. 

It's sad to say that writers are severely undervalued, underappreciated, unacknowledged, underpaid, and utterly disrespected in this age. The current Writer's Strike happening right now is definitive proof of this.

I honestly wonder if people don't know how extremely integral a part I am to the entirety of RSAHNP itself, how many characters I created, or how many stories I've mapped out for this whole massive ongoing comic.

No Writing + No Direction + No Timeline + No Continuity + No Consistency + Dozens of Important Aspescts = NO RSAHNP ONGOING COMIC

So, please, be supportive of the entire creative team, writer and artist, equally. 😊

Thank you. Thank you for all your support. And enjoy the dazzling fireworks! 🎆 🇺🇸 



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