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My artist came to me with the intriguing idea of including Princess Jasmine in RSAHNP. But how to do it in an original manner? How do it without connecting Agrabah to the past, the Arabian countries of the Middle East and Africa?

It literally came to my psyche in an instant and I immediately told Henrik of my ideas. The supercontinent of the Amazons filled with prehistoric creatures, megafauna, megaflora, Titans, exotic wildlife & plants, and vast landscapes and terrains... would be the ideal place for Agrabah to exist within.

Visualize a desert oasis akin to the Okavango in Africa. Now imagine Agrabah as not only a lovely city, but a market and trading port for the Amazons and other civilizations that inhabit the supercontinent.

What? You didn't expect the Amazons supercontinent to be solely jungles, savannas, rivers, and mountains, did you? No, it's as diverse and unique as Earth, Asgard, Skull Island, the Hollow Earth and others.

Now, that being said, Ron and the ladies don't meet Jasmine in Agrabah initially. No, they meet her when she's one of the female slaves who has been recently sold to the Amazons just before Queen Hydrea is dethroned. Ron absolutely loathes and detests slavery, and is swift to free not only Jasmine but all the slaves in the possession of the Amazons.

Jasmine is quite astonished. Never had she met a man who was so against slavery and the selling of human flesh. She is fascinated and attracted to Ron's benevolence, kindness, honor and nobility.

He is the perfect champion and ally for Jasmine to help her reclaim her throne.

But who is responsible for selling Jasmine to the Amazons? Who is the antagonist sitting upon her throne in Agrabah?




If you wish to find out, just remember this:

Support the writer (myself) and artist (Henrik) creative team of the ongoing RSAHNP comic equally!

We put in a TON of hard work on this project and deserve any and all praise, respect,  appreciation and monetary support from our supporters. 

Thank you and see you next time!



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