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I had a long chat with Jace Songaila, who is a Christian acquaintance of mine. This was the first time we've ever spoken in real time, and the first time we've ever talked about religion.

My plan was a 25-30 minutes discussion to get a Christian perspective on the 7 Tenets. Well, it went much longer!

This is most of our chat, although I did edit some bits out only because we went really long and drifted into some territory that would surely be very familiar and repetitive for most of you.




Excellent episode overall, I kinda like the open mindedness of Jace and coming into the podcast and being bravely in the spotlight of satanists. But it is just very uncomfortable the plain misogyny that Christians preach between the lines. It is the sole reason why I cannot be with people who are Christians and might be otherwise awesome people, but then are misogynistic as heck. Even knowing that mostly it is not about them personally, it is just the brainwashing that they have been taught by the Bible, most essentially since birth and they don't even acknowledge it or even realize that is what they preach. Also yeah late to the party ✌🏻 I have not listened to these bonus episodes yet and now going to them as of 2024 😂

Justin Kyle

Excellent podcast, I was really impressed with Jace and the overall respect on both sides.

Miles Kalbach

Often the non-theistic voice in conversations like these can come off condescending, which puts the theistic participant on guard. I appreciate that you openly admitted your knowledge gaps when it came to Christian beliefs. It made for a feeling of mutual guidance and respect. That said, I do think Jace “got away” with a bit of misrepresentation of Science while you discussed tenet 5. Scientists are fallible and capable of manipulation, but the cutthroat nature of peer-review is a safeguard against the fallibility of Science as a whole. “Ones best scientific understanding of the world” is rarely based on a single scientist’s work or opinion. I would listen to a whole series of these conversations! Really great job.

Will R

I loved this episode! I think it’s my favorite so far . Like Joseph and Jace said at the end if we as people could just sit and talk about our ideology and everything else that gets people so worked up . And just talk to one another like adults we’d be in a much better place as a society.

christian martinez

I would like to say that I do not believe I am an atheist. I do believe in spirit. I do believe in the dead and that their spirits linger. As an Aztec Indigenous person I am strongly connected to spirit especially the afterlife. Probably sounds WUuwuu But its my culture. I loved this episode. I struggle with coexistence among Christianity and Catholicism .


Being new here, and having just listened to this while I'm working, this was a good convo where you both tried to understand each other and find common ground and I can appreciate that. I think if you had a deeper conversation and Jace was pressed a bit more on things like tenet 5, well I'd be surprised to see where that would go. Now that aside, probably the most interesting part for me was the last 5 minutes. I was blown away when Jace said that he didn't like how church and state was currently, and I think there is a follow up there of that if you allow church and state to work together how do you reconcile the beliefs of Muslims? Or Buddists? Or Mormons? Satanists? Etc. Because I don't know that Jace has fully hashed that out in his head. Just my thought on it. Well done Joseph.


It seems he did a decent job considering the "freedom to offend", yet he didn't consider that He being a Christian may be offensive to someone. He did a decent job, but he didn't take the extra effort to think beyond his box of privilege.

Dakota Sky

Well put! You summed up what I was thinking, I just didn't know how to put it into words.

Dakota Sky

Loved this episode. I was fascinated by a lot in this one.


Discovered the podcast and diving in from the beginning.. Education is the key to understanding coupled with discussion like this😏..Looking forward to be better informed☮️