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July 2024 Rewards - Jock Studio Body Pillow Poll!

  • Avan Geiserford 136
  • Bryce Callahan 48
  • Zayne Alexander 27
  • Derek Kingsfield 60
  • 2024-07-22
  • —2024-07-25
  • 271 votes
{'title': 'July 2024 Rewards - Jock Studio Body Pillow Poll!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Avan Geiserford', 'votes': 136}, {'text': 'Bryce Callahan', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Zayne Alexander', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Derek Kingsfield', 'votes': 60}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 25, 16, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 11, 23, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 271}


Hello, Olympians - it's time for another Jock Studio Body Pillow Poll, this time with just four characters remaining! Ace Anderson, Leo Mendez and Yuuto Nakajima have all been featured in previous months, so it's time to give another Jock a chance!

Vote for which Jock Studio Character you want to see Body Pillow Art of! The character with the most votes will be available this month on Patreon with Front Art available in the Basic ($10 USD) Tier with Basic Sequences, while the Complete Sequences and Backside Art will be available in the Complete ($20 USD) Tier and above!

This poll runs from today (7/22/24) through Thursday (7/25/24), so please be sure and cast your vote, then stay tuned for the poll results and previews!

PS - Don't worry if your favorite character doesn't win this time - all Jocks Body Pillow Art will be featured on Patreon eventually



hey i never go my reward for june i checked my inbox but never got anything


Avan is my Choice! I want Derek too but all in due time.

Daniel Aguilera (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-26 16:47:52 come on guys, are you really leaving the three best characters the last ones?
2024-08-26 16:47:52 come on guys, are you really leaving the three best characters the last ones?
2024-08-26 16:47:52 come on guys, are you really leaving the three best characters the last ones?
2024-08-26 16:47:52 come on guys, are you really leaving the three best characters the last ones?
2024-08-26 16:47:52 come on guys, are you really leaving the three best characters the last ones?
2024-08-26 16:47:52 come on guys, are you really leaving the three best characters the last ones?
2024-07-25 18:06:52 come on guys, are you really leaving the three best characters the last ones?

come on guys, are you really leaving the three best characters the last ones?