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This was planned to be a novel about a supervillain who, after the destruction of her secret base, has to take shelter with her completely mundane sister, a divorcee with five kids. As the premise and title suggests, it's humor. Dr. Ultraviolet is actually more of a traditional bad guy than I usually write -- she's not a freedom fighter, she's not a sympathetic villain, her past isn't particularly tormented. Her father stole her patent for something she invented when she was 12, when he divorced her mom and left their family, and that set her on a life of supervillainy. She's also an albino who is sufficiently pissed off at the "evil albino" stereotype that she dyes her hair black. :-) If I wrote her in a serious story, she'd be a genuine hardcore bad guy, but of course, this one is humor.

The picture has nothing to do with the character to be honest, and comes from Piedmont Boutique, where they're trying to sell you a pair of these goggles. But when I did a search for images of female mad scientists with goggles, this one was just about perfect. She even looks like an albino who's dyeing her hair. :-)



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