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Well y’all, it’s official! - Patreon will be ACTIVE from this point forth! 💞

As you may know, I couldn’t post as much as I wanted due to some very severe and debilitating health issues, but I am getting pain management and feel SO MUCH improvement in function and mood!

While my issues are permanent, I will never be letting them define me! As long as I have help to cope with the severity of the pain I deal with, I think things will only look up!

I saw that despite my absence and inactivity, people were still supporting me and it made me so happy that I ended up crying late at night 🥲 You actually fed me yesterday!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not struggling horribly with money! However with over 4k in medical bills this month (I have finally met my deductible), people enjoying my company and supporting me anyways makes me overwhelmed with joy! 💞😭

Last night I collected TONS AND TONS of content, and I am meaning an INSANE amount (610 items to be exact), so that I could start activity here for real! I have TONS I haven’t shown anyone at all that will be posted!

This is because on weeks where I am not up to taking photos for health reasons, I will be able to post anyways! I am gonna schedule lots of posts if I can too so nobody misses out!

You NEVER fail me, and the people in my life, those who support me, breathe life into my soul on both rough and good days.

I will be making HUGE changes and updates to this page over the next few days! So many cosmetic edits are comin' hehe!

I genuinely don't mean to post a sob story, ask for subs/gifts, any of that! I am just seriously so touched! I am making great steps against my self worth issues every day, and simply don't know how to word this all without seeming pitiful hahahaha! I am doing my very best and feel so much love towards you all!




We are all happy you are doing and feeling better, we'll support however we can. We love you and your content and can't wait to see what the future holds in store for all of us. ❤️


I am seriously honored! 💞😭 thank you for taking the time to comment! I am so happy and excited to be active, I love posting places and am so glad I can start! 💞 I love you all too!