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It feels pretty 3D to me.



Mark Downing

Nice image, thanks! But 3D still leaves you at least 7 dimensions short of a string theory. 🤓

Alexander Dupree

I’m solidly sure that I can’t envision 4D space


3D is an illusion. There is no such thing as a 3D surface independent of time. Every test of relativity confirms a 4D universe. Within that, gravity defines a zero-interval (x2 + y2 +z2 - c2t2 = 0) hypercone which touches everything, so if you want to work with holograms onto 1 less degree of freedom shouldn't that hologram be a zero-interval surface?

Walter D Hougas

I'm not at all clear on how causality gets handled in a hologram. Specifically, if information that is local in the emergent 3-D "reality" we experience is hand-wavingly spread out on (in?) the underlying hologram "reality" does that imply that information interacts with greater than light speed? If so, what causality restrictions are there in the underlying reality? How and why does the light speed limit emerge in our frame of reference?


Remember light speed limits are a thing in Einsteinian spacetime, which we know to be incomplete. The quantum view - as I understand it - has nothing to say about speed limits, or time for that matter. So we talk about holographic spacetime as a possible way forward to unite the two, if only because the math works (so far) and we definitely need a new perspective to solve the apparent paradoxes of current theories.