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Hope you all have a great Christmas and Happy Holidays!

I had something planned for Christmas, but it will take a bit longer to finish ^^' but I'll have it done soon!

Also, for the December Comic poll, we ended up with a tie between Majin Android 21 and Anis, so we'll be doing a tie breaker vote! The poll will close Friday, so vote while you can!

I'll be taking Christmas off to hang with the fam, but I should have a few things for y'all before New Years! I hope you look forward to it! 



Merry Christmas and happy holidays Moxi! I hope you and your family have a wonderful time! Same to the amazing members of this page!


Hope you get a very nice and stress free break from this Christmas <3


Merry Xmas


Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy some time off


Merry Christmas Moxi! I hope you have a wonderful and stress-free holiday!