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Here's the first part for that Pyra animation I mentioned earlier! Took a little longer than expected since I did a bit more with it, but the other parts should be a tad simpler so I should be able to wrap it up alongside the other stuff this week. I'm posting it here first for you guys to check out and I'll post it to other places once I wake up xD In the mean time, let me know if you notice anything out of place haha






This is actually fantastic. Great animation, and great subtlety. Her expressions were to die for.


Lovely Moxi

David Vega

How many hours do you roughly put into your low tier, mid tier and high tier work? You definitely spoil us for how little you are making/month. Lol.


Is Boosette still in the works?


It depends. As of right now, I'm in between jobs, so I have a bit more free time to work on things. Right now I'm focusing more on animations since I want to see how well/fast I can work when it comes to longer animations. But in the future I'll be having more game builds out for Patreon mini games, larger game titles like Renapet, and various miscellaneous mini games through the week. Things will probably slow down once I get a new job, but in the meantime I want to capitalize on the time I have.


Yeah it still is, It's taking longer than expected though since I've split my attention between the Pyra animations, and the Isabelle animation. Admittedly I probably bit off more than I can chew, but it should still be out before the month is over. It's mostly a lot of in between frames for some of the intro parts and then secondary motion (moving things like the hair) for the sex scene. I'll explain the plan for it once I finish whipping up the weekly update!