December 18th patreon weekly update! Rendering charge. (Patreon)
Hello everyone,
Sorry this update has taken a while. I've been a tad bit busy getting everything ready for the holidays for real life stuff, so I've had less time than I wanted. But I'll still try my best to reach my goals for this month. So let's get into it:
I'm still plugging away at the Pyra finale. There's quite a lot to it so I hope you will enjoy it once it's all wrapped up. I have 3 loops left to work on, then the climax animation and the cum physics, then the UI and special effects for the background and things like that, then the credits screen with a small animation to play with it. After that I will clean up the other loops, and then start adding in the dialogue, looping the animation for that dialogue and transitions between scenes/ expressions. I'll be out of town for the holidays so I'm hoping I can get this done before then, but the climax scenes can always take a while. So I'm going to try out a few new things to see if I can see if I can speed up that part of the process. Anyway I'll let you all know how it goes. Once again I apologize that this animation is taking so long, but I'll do my best to make it something special.
I've also worked on the ZZS animation and some of the art for the Midna game and FoxHole, as warm ups before I work on the Pyra anim when I have time.
I'm keeping things a bit simple for the ZZS anim since I already have a lot to do, but I'm also trying some new things out with it too. I still need to add some more detail to her suit, but this will most likely be how it looks.
For the Midna game, this is the wip title screen for it. I was originally going to call it "Midnight Princess", but unfortunately that might be too long. I might not have enough space to make a good logo for it since it's a 64 x 64 game haha I'll brainstorm some more names and see what I can come up with that won't take up as much space. I also have the game's scenes sketched out, there will be one vaginal scene and one anal scene with a cum button for each. I'll probably put them to pixel art as a warm up before I work on Pyra more in the upcoming days.
I also spent some time working on some of the UI for Fox Hole. The first is what the stat menu will look like. The values will range from 0 to 10, and will change things as they go up and down. The second menu is that tame scene selector which will show what stats are affected for that scene. I actually need to go back and properly lay out exactly what I want out of this game since things have been hectic and I've been juggling so much. I will probably try to code up a mock up of it without any of the art assets after the Pyra animation to make sure it has a decent game loop. If it's any good I might post it, but it probably wouldn't be anything to write home about haha
The Isabelle and Booette animations are still on ice. The loss of the first week of December really put my plans in disarray, but I still want to get them done before the end of the month. I will work on them once I finish the Pyra anim since I feel like I work much better when I'm only working on one big animation at a time and not juggling them, so I want to incorporate that strategy in the future.
I have chipped away at Renapet little by little, but nothing significant just due to how much there is to do this month. Once I clear my plate this month, I wil be shifhting gears to put more emphasis on it when I can.
Also the animations that get finished after the Pyra finale will be coming to Patreon first, and then released publicly a week or two later. Y'all are supporting this whole operation so I want to make sure you're properly compensated for it.
Anyways that's it for now. Thanks once again for all the support and I hope you all have wonderful weeks.