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Finished that mini-comic about Pyra's tights in smash ultimate. Had two different ideas for the dialogue so I made two versions. I also like the black outfit she has in smash and use it when I play her, so I figured I'd make an alt for it too haha

I think things got  a bit cluttered with the panels and dialogue. I'll have to research comic page layout a bit and see how I can make things a bit more clear for future works. I also made some versions without text or the top panels so you can just enjoy the pictures. 

Also in the 2nd dialogue version, Rex is holding a cross haha




Goodness!! You’ve gotten so much done!! I hope you haven’t been hurting yourself too much while you’re doing it all though!! You’ve done extraordinary with everything so far!!! ☺️

Shinobu (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 08:05:21 I always love seeing more comic style posts like this!
2021-04-19 16:06:05 I always love seeing more comic style posts like this!

I always love seeing more comic style posts like this!


Mr. Sakurai once again proving that he is a man of culture.


Thank you! And don't worry I'll be fine haha just gotta work hard to get things done!


Glad you liked it! I definitely want to do more comic stuff like this in the future haha