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Heya gang,

Small text update this time around. Haven't had much time to work on things since the last update due to me preparing for my job interview like I said earlier in the week. And instead of trying to prepare for it and squeeze work in, most likely just doing both poorly. I figured it'd be best to just focus on the job stuff now and get that all taken care of, so that I can swing back near the end of the month an get more content out to you all. 

I've mainly been working on Mythra an Palace of the Goddess. I've been doing the facial transitions for Mythra for the loops and their various dialogue. Man I really underestimated how much work this part would be. Still so much transition work to be done. At this rate I'll most likely only barely be able to get part 2 done, let alone 3-5. But it won't get done unless I do it, so just got to keep at it.

Been doing a bunch of boring stuff for Palace of the Goddess haha. I need to replace the way I imported the art in the game to sprite sheets, but since the sprites are relatively big, I need them to be separate sprite sheets. So now I need to change the way all the animations are read in the engine to make it work. I was going to wait until I finished all the goddess offering animations, but it's probably best I get it taken care of now, so I can make sure things work properly. Also discovered some bugs in the save system where it was not saving/loading properly, but that's fixed now. Also gonna see if I can make it so it saves when you try to exit the game, but I need to make sure it fully saves so nothing get's corrupted. I'll keep y'all posted on how things go.

Commissions have been going slower than I wanted since this month and last month have been so busy. Especially animation commissions as they are a lot more work than I originally thought they'd be, so I'll probably end up increasing the price for them when I re-open them. Other than that I'm just going to try and find a good balance of working on them alongside my project work. If this job interview goes well, I'll be in a much better spot, so that might help things in this regard. 

Anyways that's it for now. Sorry I don't have much else to show you, but the job interview is important so it has to take priority. It's only till the 17th though, so once I get it wrapped up , I'll try to push things forwards towards the end of the month. 

Thank you for your support as always, and I hope you have a wonderful week!



Hey! Take your time!! I’ll be wishing you luck with your interview too!! Don’t worry about taking time for it, we’ll completely understand and only wish the best for you!!! ^w^


No need to be sorry Moxi! Just the heads up itself is appreciated! You've certainly have a a lot on your plate, so best to handle it one at a time as you already are. Keep at it the best you can, we're always rooting for you! \0/


We don't mind being patient for stuff, as long as you are okay then that is alright!


Thank you for your patience 🙏 and don't worry, I'll figure things out!