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Heya gang,

Well definitely didn't get the update out by Wednesday -_- 

Ended up getting blindsided by a bunch of small problems this week and haven't had the chance to sit down and work for a while. Also think I burned myself out a bit trying to juggle everything. So I'll just combine last week's update with this week's try to get some stuff out to y'all Sunday. 

Sorry for yet another delay, especially to people that order some comms this month as I wanted to get those out faster than I currently am. But I finally got a good night sleep and should have my schedule clear this weekend, so I want to finally wrap up some of the pics I showed earlier, as well as some pin-up and stuck butt comms. Then next week I'll put an emphasis on project work. 

Thanks once again for your support and patience. And have a good weekend!


Daddy Swaggums

Don’t beat yourself up. If you squint your eyes and are also terrible at time telling it’s pretty much Wednesday.


you take care of you we can wait. Plus you haven’t disappointed me with your content.


Don't sweat it! Not everything is going to go exactly as one would hope, but you can always make up for lost time! Sorry you ran into some troubles =(


Hope you have a great weekend as well bro! Don't stress about the delay, shit happens.