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Cleaned up the turn animation a bit but still need to fix stuff. Almost done with he basic parts of the first half but the other stuff is still too rough to show. Will try to get more to you all soon once I wrap up comms.



Daddy Swaggums

I wish you had more updates and stuff in between your posts; Then it wouldn’t feel like nothings happening for like 3 weeks then we just randomly get a bunch posts.


Yeah I'm sorry about that. Earlier this year I got hit with some life and job stuff that eats most of my time, so mostly I only get a few days at the end of the month to work on this stuff. I planned to get back to my regular weekly updates earlier, but I'm still in a spot where I can't be consistent and it streses me out more than it should, which is why I havent publicly poseted in a while. So I'm trying to get things together so I can get back to working regularly for y'all. I'm sorry for the wait on things.


It's nice seeing updates whenever you are able to post them, hopefully things are easier and less stressful for you soon.


Yeah I'm trying to tie things together. Thanks for the patience on things.


Great to hear from you Moxi, even if it's at the end of the month. I hope all is well! 😊


I appreciate your and everyone else's patience with things as well. Hope things are going well for you too 🙏