Mythra NNN Part 3 wip 8/31 (Patreon)
Hey gang,
So sorry for the delayed update. I ended up getting really sick earlier in the month. I'm guessing it was covid since this was one of the worst sicknesses I've had (besides the last time I had covid at least). But I took a test, and it came back negative, so I don't really know but I'm gonna keep it pushing.
Anyway, since I was in bed for so long, it gave me a lot of time to think about things and focus on what I want to do. You've all have been very patient with me as I attempt to get my life together, so I want to work hard and reward that faith you've placed in me. So, I'm going to try and finalize a lot of projects I've had in the back burner for a while now and get some completed projects to you all.
Speaking off, I'm almost done with the biggest hurdle of Mythra Part 3. I've also been story boarding part 4 and 5 and checking how much animation is going to be required to do everything I want to do. I'm hoping that will speed things along. I still need to do a few smaller things for part 3. But I'm hoping to wrap it up soon. I'll probably wait to publicly post again once the entirety of Mythra's NNN is wrapped up. That way people don't get excited for my work and then have to wait a long ass time again to see the next part.
There's still a lot of work to do with things, especially the projects that you all voted on a while back, but I'll do my best to wrap things up in the coming months here. I'm not sure how much I'll get done, but I'll try my best.
Thank you for your support as always. I'll do my best to get some good content out to you all soon.