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Noira and The Cook have to get ready for their first mission, but first... nutrition! 

After a glorious steamy night of good sex you cannot miss the equally steamy breakfast in the morning!. 

The Waifu kitchen has for you, hot sex (we already know that), but that's not the only thing it has to offer, I bring you... food porn! enjoy! 



jo holloway

egg's and thick soft bacon....mmmm.... what was i saying? oh right! i really like how noira looks with her hair up(and only now noticed the purple in her hair, also unique and nice) this is thus far a simple but fun little comic that i'm enjoying and noira is quickly becoming a personal favorite of all the OC's i've seen on patreon. now if i could just get a meal(and waifu) that was as good as what you've drawn here...


Im so hungry now... tomorrow morning I'm definetly eating a tower of pancakes why not. Oh yes you were saying, food porn!, it is indeed XD, now, combining two kinds of hunger, its a win win :D. I loved the full color, everything looks so delicious and they make such a nice couple. More please¨...


Thank you, I'm glad you're liking Noira so much, wait until you meet the rest of the helpers! and yeah, a good meal and a good waifu, the perfect combo!


Ahh yes, food porn is officially a new tag now!, of course there will be more, I'm already cooking the next page!