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Just a quick update so you guys know how things are going, (and why the final part of the written chapter hasn't been delivered yet). 

Above everything else in my list of priorities, is survival, and like many of you I gotta earn my living by working a full time job (for now...), so to make this short and effective I will tell you that this past 2 weeks have been ROUGH, everything that could go wrong at work, went wrong, so, as you can imagine I had many nights, that turned into mornings working at my office these past 2 weeks, so...apologies if it sounds like I'm complaining, I had like 3 hours of sleep since monday, but anyways! here is what is actually interesting for you patrons! 

Android 21 is almost done, you will see her in the next 48 to 72hrs.

I will post a WiP of the next page of the comic in the next few days.

The Chapter 2 -7th HEAVEN- part 3 will be posted in the next 24hrs (finally...).

And that's pretty much what's going on right now, I'll see you very very soon.

Have a great night!



jo holloway

is it sad that i saw "little update" and my literal first thoughts were "the f**k happened now, who do i fire bomb?"


Oh, no, no, no! I appreciate the fire bombin...I mean the gesture!, but nothing bad in this update!

jo holloway

heheh, it's fine. i'm glad to know your doing well and things are coming along, i'm looking forward to everything. and your not alone on being overworked, since i work for family i kinda have not had a day i was not on call since the last bush administration.


Oh god, that was like 9 or 10 years ago! but yeah! overworking workers unite!


it seems XIII has a lot of work to do.. nothing new since then


It is as you say...I'm truly sorry for all the delays, these last days at the office were SUPOSSED to get better but they got WORSE, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that you will be getting the written chapter as soon as I get home (in like 2 maybe 3 hrs), so unless I crash and die on my way home, you will be getting new content TODAY.