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It's time for a laaaaaaaaaaaaate waifu of the week, this time the spot belongs to the gorgeous Android 21!

I would really like to write something about this lady as I usually do for every waifu, but I'm really, really tired right now, so I'll just leave this lovely lady here for your viewing pleasure, please enjoy!

And don't forget to show her some good love!, see you on the next one! 



jo holloway

i honestly was not a fan of her when she was first revealed, cell was already techniclly #21. on top of that i'm not a fan of the game, it suffers from the same "git gud scrub!" control feel and player base that makes most "competitive" fighters worthless to me and my friends.(not to mention how boring the fights can get, and other issue's. there has not been a good dbz fighter in like a decade.) that said, this is good. your flavor accentuates her design in all the right ways, and the expression you gave her reminds of of my favorite thing in the whole game: her voice acctress's over the top preformance!