November Rewards (Patreon)
Monthly rewards are as juicy as ever! almost as juicy as Ms. 2B thighs! (wow those are a lot of "as" in that sentence... like 2B, lots of "as-s" *ahem* bad joke...nvm that...)
Most of the Lv 4 Patrons gave me a lot of freedom this month for their requests, I appreciate the trust and I gotta tell you... I enjoyed this month's requests a LOT, special thanks to one patron that contacted me and said:
"Do something you want to do this time", so I did, (by the way you'll see that request tomorrow on a separate post to this one) *evil grin*
But let's not delay this anymore! I present you...your monthly rewards patrons!
Please enjoy
Note: Lv 4 -Elite- Patrons, please remember to post your request for this month on the comments section.