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Finally finished this version! 

This took a LOOOOT more time that I expected, mainly because of my work schedule this past week (and this one is not looking so bright... *nervous laughter* he he he...*sigh*) but hey! at least I'm not jobless!  (believe me, I'm thankful for that).

It's curious how a change that is as little as a different hairstyle can make a big difference in how a lady looks, this is clearly the case for Ms. Albarn, I never disliked her ponytails but if you ask me, hair down is hands down my favorite style!  

Hope you like it!



jo holloway

i now have a mental image of her in a raining forest, hands griped tight to her weapon. bent sightly forward, hair spilling down her back and over her shoulder like half a curtain framing her dangling bussom. slick thighs tensed and eyes darting beneath rain plastered bangs, she mutters as much to herself as her partner. a single sound, or a split seconds sound of movment... and the meister strikes!