Update (Patreon)
Here the update on my job situation:
I'll keep it brief... *ahem*
I'm jobless.
I'll write another update about this situation tonight on what's gonna change here, I'll see you soon.
My former desk is all clear now and I got my stuff with me, all that remains now is keep moving forward and on to better things.
I just read all your comments and all I can say is... thank you, really, I appreciate your support so, so, so much, thank you for your words (all of you) and be sure that if I was working hard before, I'll work harder now!
I'll keep you updated very soon, but now it's pretty late and these past days have been a bit rough, so I'm off to rest for now, see you soon!
I received some notifications indicating pledge changes from some of you, one of you (who donates way more than my highest Tier Lv) doubled the pledge! a couple more of you upgraded their Tier Lv! and one of you even went to my Ko-Fi page and bough me my first coffee but didn't stop there and decided 30 Coffees was what he wanted to donate! all I can say is thank you... thank you very much, I'm really motivated and it's because all of you, with all this motivation I'm pretty sure I'll destroy the next job interview!
I'll update this post again as soon as I have news.
Good evening everyone.
Just a quick update to let you know that I've been called for a job interview (gotta attend on the day after tomorrow), I'll keep you updated!
Good morning.
Everything went smoothly and I received instructions to return on monday for the next filter (one last interview), gotta wait until then.
But while we wait, I'll grab a good cup of coffee and gonna get working on the monthly rewards, see you soon!
Monthly rewards progress: 50%
Estimated time of delivery: 72hrs
See you soon!
Interview and filters are done! now gotta wait until tomorrow for the call, but to be honest I think everything went pretty smooth, I'll have some news (good news hopefully) by tomorrow, but what I do have right now is confirmed good news for you, rewards are almost ready for delivery! you'll have them by tomorrow night, see you then!
This will be the last update for this post.
As always, I'll be brief... *ahem* I received the call, I got the job and things are returning to normal pretty soon here at the Waifu Kitchen!
There will be some changes/adjustments to rewards and other things in order to try to get more patrons, but nothing will impact negatively any of you.
And finally... all I want to say is, thank you, thanks to all of you for you constant support and kind words also special thanks to those of you who go above and beyond! (I think I'm gonna have to open a new Tier Lv for you Sirs/Ladies!)
I'll see you soon!