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It's our 3rd month of rewards for 2022 and the ladies from our (in development) game, take the spotlight, this time... Heidi Eikenboom and her favorite "soft drink" (or at least she calls it "soft") the good ol' big mug of beer!, (but hey! what did you expect from a 7ft (2.13mts) tall, big bosom, lumberjill?).

Next month will be Helena's turn.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to finish all the rewards, as I previously told you the repairs at my place took WAY longer than expected, that consumed basically all of my time to work outside my day job, but don't worry, I'm currently going pedal to the metal to finish them, so expect them soon in this same post (will notify each time I update it).

See you tomorrow.




I’m so excited for the game, you’ve no idea. They’re all top-tier ladies and the story sounds interesting!


Mhh big and busty

Red Chilito

Big girls= Best Girls


Ahh yes... she is as big as her smile and only a pair things on her are bigger than that *naughty eyebrows move up and down*


Thanks, glad to read that, it motivates me to keep pushing forward with this project!


mhh i know exactly what you mean *naughty eyebrows move up and down*


Go big or go home huh? I'll stay then... https://giphy.com/gifs/reactiongifs-yes-grin-3CQA4cPx7UDkY


Two big mugs of beer go perfect to two big beeewbs!!