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We reach our 97th seat and we do it with another movie legend, please welcome one of the most successful killers (now turned into a thicc lady but equally deadly) of the 80's film story, here comes Jason "Jacyn" Voorhees! 

Here's a lil' bit on Jason in case you haven't watched the movies.

On the first movie Jason is but a child that suffers from several deformities, his mother Pamela Voorhees takes care of him, but among other things she is... let's say not quite sane, after being offered a job to work at a camp in Crystal Lake she moves in along with Jason but this ends up in Jason "drowning" in the lake because the two camp counselors in charge of him weren't doing their job, instead they where having sex, this makes Mommy Voorhees go insane and turns her into the vengeance seeking antagonist of the first movie (yes Jason is NOT the antagonist of the first movie) and you may be asking now, but you said Jason drowned, then what the hell? wasn't this story about THE Jason Voorhees? *ahem* Mommy Voorhees returns to the camp and then... the killing spree starts, arrows fly, knife cuts, axe chops, machete slashes and the movie ends with Mommy decapitated with her own machete and now you can ask again... but what about Jason? you said he drowned, then what the hell? if you read carefully I said "drowned" that's because he survived to finally become the main antagonist of the rest of the franchise (except for one movie where is not really him, it's a person who takes his mask and kills, but we won't talk about that as it is not relevant to where this waifu is inspired).

On the second movie Jason starts his killer "career" but still won't have his iconic mask as he won't get it until the 3rd movie, (he uses a burlap sack with a hole to see through it), meanwhile he will kill basically everyone on his way, SPECIALLY horny couples, (remember? he almost drowns in the lake because the horny counselors that were supposed to take care of him weren't taking care of him, instead, they were playing sit-ups on top of each other), and well, the movies go on and on and Jason is defeated but not really, he is defeated again and buried, but years later the same person who defeated him decides it's a good idea to go back where Jason is buried and stab the lifeless body with an iron weapon on a stormy day and... yes! you guessed it! it acts as a lightning rod, lightning strikes and in a à la Frankenstein fashion, Jason comes back to life, then he is defeated again, then chained to a rock he sinks all the way to the bottom of the lake where he rests in peace... until the next movie, where he is brought back yet again but this time by a girl with psychic powers, (by accident of course) it ends badly for him once again because at the end he is trapped once more at the bottom of the lake, to... rest in peace? nope, not yet, his slumber is disturbed once more, but you know the drill, defeat, trap and dispose, disturb, rise, rinse and repeat, until finally the FBI gets involved and they ruthlessly destroy Jason, ambush, bullets, grenades, the whole enchilada, but then... the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the impossible... happens, down but not out, Jason manages to possess the coroner that was examining his remains and makes him eat his heart, (yes, you read that right) exhibiting a whole new level of power being capable of body-transfer, making him even more "unkillable" on top of the already long list of superhuman powers he already showed on previous movies like: 

- Superhuman strength 

- Extreme pain resistance 

- Supernatural durability 

- Regeneration 

- Resurrection 

And we could be here all night talking about how many times Jason can keep coming back from the dead, but to avoid going on for too long I'll just skip to where Jason is defeated (again) and he goes to hell, just to be brought back to finally meet his match, Freddy Krueger, now... on to the kitchen notes.

NOTES: As always, I did a bit of research on this character and pleasantly found that as with Chucky, Shunya Yamashita and Kotobukiya already cooperated to work a female version of the legendary hockey mask killer, but I wanted to go a different route, Jason is a redhead (or at least brown-haired with a reddish touch) with hazel eyes and pale skin, (the pale coming from... well you know... being undead!) and I wanted to use that as is, also wanted to reference the drowning that happens more than once, so I made her hairstyle a "wet look" and trying to give it a more "Killing-machine but sexy" look I decided that not only pants were not needed but underwear too, because "Jacyn" doesn't care if you look at her goodies, hell, it can even work as a distraction! Jason is a big, imposing boy, at almost 6'6ft tall / around 2mts (whichever you prefer) in this case "Jacyn" is big and thicc lady, I wanted to reflect just how overwhelming this killer waifu can be, added some hard muscles and of course, thicc-spiced that machete into a size fitting for The Waifu Kitchen standard.

If you love mad ladies like our previous waifu but want something bigger and meaner that will never, EVER leave your side, live or dead then Jacyn Voorhees is the perfect waifu for you, leave some good love for her on the comments.





Man I dunno if I'd want to be killed by her. How am I supposed to admire her if I'm dead? 🤣💕


Mate... this is AMAZING!! I love that mad eye and the no panties look :B and the research you made to make her character design is just WOW. I don't say this all the time but in every post I see your level of commitment and dedication to deliver this quality, I really appreciate it and that's one of the reasons why you are one of my favorite illustrator/artist/content creator. Thanks for the hard work!!!


Mmmm, what about... death by snu-snu? you can see this lady playing the "Squat & Squirt" game in top of you before kicking the bucket!


Glad you like my work and notice the details, it's always a pleasure! https://media3.giphy.com/media/BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47gc64h7ol5ma89l5049wtvvq6unbxpvtu1viftpno&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


I have no words, no wait, I do... you are blowing my mind with the designs for those famous movie killers in your style. Not in a million years I imagined Jason Voorhees like this but hey! I'm as confused as Pierre was before you answered to him. *Flabbergasted face here*, beautiful design and face, handsome investigation, I have to point it out because your designs are so accurate, because you actually do the work so they are always perfectly related to the characters story. Also hey! perfect thiccness as always, shes a killer goddess, I welcome death by snu snu gladly.