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The final member of the slasher trio is here, we had the small, plump and deadly "Chunky" then, the thicc, imposing and brutal "Jacyn", now... please welcome the naughty, nasty and nightmarish Fredericka "Freddie" Charlize Krueger!

For those who grew up watching the 80's to 90's slasher films including A Nightmare on Elm Street you already know why Freddie Krueger is such a BIG deal, but for those who don't know... I'll gladly explain.

Little "Chunky" is a doll after all, you be careful, plan ahead and bring some heavy-ish weapons and you can defeat the little thicc-y, midge-y, mini-danger, you dismantle and separate the parts under heavy locks and that's it, no more "Chunky".

For the imposing "Jacyn" you need a deep water body, (her original lake will serve just right) then again, plan ahead, bring the heavy weapons and lock that immortal, sexy menace under foolproof locks and you can more or less defeat it (just keep dumbasses far from the location to avoid any unwanted resurrections from happening).

Now... with Ms. Krueger things get a bit more interesting... and by interesting I mean "who the hell signed me up for this sh!te and how the fork do I get out of this!?". 

"Freddie" is known because her domain is not the material one, she will attack you in a different place... in your dreams, she will turn 'em into her preferred playfield... nightmares. She can make use of her full power once the fear sets in and the deeper the fear roots, more powerful she grows, to do that she has ALL the right resources, from unmissable, big and flashy like a rain of blood to little, detailed and subtle, like this one:

One, Two, The Fun's For Two... 

Three, Four, She Locks The Door... 

Five, Six, Can You Feel Her Licks? 

Seven, Eight, Embrace Your Fate... 

Nine, Ten, Now You're In Her Den!

Yes.. "creppy" I know! *evil grin* wait... *one of the kitchen helpers is telling me that's not the right song* WHAT? *takes a look again* oh wait a sec... yep that's not it, let me just... ah! here it is:

One, Two, Freddy's Coming For You...

Three, Four, Better Lock Your Door...

Seven, Eight, Can You Stay Awake?

Five, Six, Grab A Crucifix...

Nine, Ten, Never Sleep Again!

Well that is how you traumatize 80's and 90's kids! (or make 'em love creepy nursery rhymes, personally I love it!), but let's continue, Ms. Krueger is powerful in her own domain but not so much outside it, if you wanna defeat her you gotta "invite" out of your nightmares, how? well I won't say how so you can see for yourself (in case you already haven't) but one thing is for sure, if she looks like that maybe one doesn't wanna stop dreaming about that thicc, panty-less lady! 

If you like waifus SO much you need one inside your dreams while you sleep at night, then Freddie Krueger, the DreamMaster IS the right waifu for you, hope you like her and I'll see you on the next one!

NOTES: The first thing to notice is... she has no underwear, it is no incident and no, it's not about being lazy, if you noticed before (I'm sure you did) "Chunky", "Jacyn" and "Freddie" don't use underwear, nor they have any use for it, in the case of Ms. Krueger it has yet a another meaning. In the movies, Krueger is one of the most sexual villains, making dirty jokes and sticking out that long tongue, naughty innuendos etc. if Freddy was a she instead of a he, she will surely exploit "her assets" to make the hunt game even more easy and enjoyable.

It's pretty obvious I drew inspiration yet again from Mr. Yamashita's work, adding my own twist.

I did some subtle but spicy changes to the iconic claw and now it's bigger of course!

As a side note, I may do other waifu versions of horror movie characters like Michael Myers, Leather Face, Ghostface or IT, in the future.





from all horror villainesses - she is the most gorgeous - nice work :)


Yeah so far from the horror ladies, Freddie is my favorite, I just love that crazy face and that plumpness!! And like always the attention to detail is amazing mate, thanks once again for a great piece Mr. XIII


Ahh! I see you have a taste for the MadLove Tag! "And like always the attention to detail is amazing mate" thank you for noticing... and talking about that... there are 3 "XIII" marks in this piece, you already found 'em?


I was able to find the one on her first blade from right to left, but I couldn't find the other two!!! I'll post the close up in community :B


Oh... she's outstanding Mr. XIII. Freddy is a favorite since I was a child so I could be biassed, but hell... I find her to be the one I like the most and I also loved Jacyn. Great pose, expression, kind of body... her ripped clothes, just the one stocking, the hat and no panties, uff... I'm speechless. That claw with the gory details and the weathered boots, goood! and the background! so fitting, I don't know how much work that took but it does look great.