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We start this year's rewards with a classic waifu at the request of one of you Lv 4 patrons, (thank you, had fun with this lady), I'll quote and share the request because it made me smile:

"The new Velma is an insult to the thicc-y, nerdy, sweater girl original Velma was, can I see the classic Velma in your style?"

I gladly obliged, hope you like the result, cheers!

NOTE: Included and alt. version of Velma's face for added extra "classicness"

UPDATE: I read your comments...

"Velma in lingerie or with her two "brains" ;) out would be a good addition ;)"
"Also. On last note. Just her two "brains?" Or anything else below that too? (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)"
"I enjoyed this waifu with her sweet expression and that deliciously thicc body I always imagined Velma having. Nice detail to include the alt version of the face... I wouldn't mind to see her show a little bit more ;)"
"i second all of that :D"

 and by popular demand I updated this post with some extras, with both her -Classic- face and -Waifu- Kitchen style, hope you like the extra goods and I'll see you soon, cheers!



Red Chilito

Now this is a Velma that I like !


This is the cutest artists' rendition of Velma that I've ever seen in my life! 😭💖


i like this one very much :) but to be fair. you could use the "new" version of velma and make her look sexy. The problem wasn't the optics, it was her character and bad writing. Velma is indeed interesting. Daphne was portrait as the sexy one but over the time Velma, who was just clever and definitly not sexy ( at least her artwork) is now the symbol of cleverness and sexiness. And lets be honest here, you'll find a lot of real good stuff of her in the internet ;) Your version is great. Velma in lingerie or with her two "brains" ;) out would be a good addition ;)


This time she didn't loose her glasses but her skirt I see, that alt face version is so cute!


That's honestly a perfect analogy right there. Velma has always had the looks, and always will really, it's just that up until this... thing, she had a charming character to go along with it. She was a character that made us feel smart with her when she solved the mysteries. And yeah. She's just a real beauty too! Also. On last note. Just her two "brains?" Or anything else below that too? (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


I'm very glad to see this sweet version of Velma... o.o the new Velma is someone else, some other character just using her name! but, hey, we are here for the beautiful art and I enjoyed this waifu with her sweet expression and that deliciously thicc body I always imagined Velma having. Nice detail to include the alt version of the face... I wouldn't mind to see her show a little bit more ;)


like i said. you can make the new version look sexy. the artstyle isn't the problem, its her new character AND I dont mind her showing more than just her two "brains" ;)